
Let’s Play Ball

The inaugural Elementary Baseball Program and Season is about to begin. This is a great opportunity to establish Elementary sports programs that will keep the kids active, engaged, and avoid negative behavior. We need your help to make it work.  Volunteers are needed to help with coaching, chaperoning, and other services. It's our time to give back.

This is a program that is offered free to the student participants and is a program offered through the direction of our school’s leadership and the West Memphis School Board.  Let's thank them for wanting to improve the quality of life for our Elementary students and approving and supporting programs such as the elementary sports program.

Let’s make the inaugural Elementary Baseball Program and Season a success by banding together and showing what the West Memphis Community is ‘truly about’. All games and practices will be at Tilden Rogers Park. We will practice 1 to 2 evenings a week, and games are to be played on Saturday evenings.

See you at the ballpark. Let's Play Ball.

For more information contact Lorenzo Parker, Student Engagement Manager, LParker@wmsd.net, phone 870-735-1915.